9:30 LRN Newscast Nov 22

The newly established Governor’s Office of Human Trafficking Prevention receives a $1.5 million federal grant to improve outcomes for young victims of the crime. Executive Director of the office Dr. Dana Hunter says they will continue to work with key experts in the community to combat human trafficking.

Cut 10 (07)  “…and recovery.”

Hunter says the majority of child trafficking victims are homebred, meaning they are groomed and lured into the crime locally.

Alexandria State Representative Lance Harris has been named the new Chairman of the House Education Committee. Harris has been in the Legislature since 2012 and has served on key committees like Appropriations, Retirement, and the Joint Budget Committee. Harris says he’ll “hit the ground running” as EducationChair.

Cut 14 (14)  “…state education system.”

Your Thanksgiving meal might cost a bit more this year, but Louisiana residents are paying less than the national average. More from Dave Brannen.

Cut 1 (33) “…I’m Dave Brannen.”

Governor Edwards will participate in a ribbon-cutting today for the widening project on I-10 from I-49 to Beaux Bridge at 10 a.m. And then a press conference at the Capitol at 2:30. Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter will be at the press conference for a housing announcement for those affected by Hurricanes Laura and Delta and the May floods.