330 PM LRN News

Governor Edwards says the state is considering implementing a vaccine incentive program similar to efforts in other states. The number of new vaccinations per week has fallen precipitously from a mid-March high. Edwards says they’re looking into ways to get skeptical Louisianans off the fence…

Cut 3 (10)  “…vaccinated” 

Ten states have so far adopted incentive programs.

Breeze Airways will begin offering cheap direct flights out of Louis Armstrong in New Orleans into ten mid sizes cities across the Midwest and South. Flights to Charleston will begin July 8th with flights to Louisville, Fayetteville, Richmond, Norfolk, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Akron, Columbus, and Huntsville beginning July 15th and 16th. CEO David Neeleman…

Cut 13 (10)“…much”

A $30-million buyout program to assist a Lake Charles neighborhood is now underway. Brooke Thorington explains.

Cut 2 (32) …I’m Brooke Thorington.”  

The Alexandria Medical Region is seeing a concerning rise in the number of new reported syphilis cases. While the region only contains six percent of the state’s population it’s hosted 13 percent of all early syphilis cases in 2020 in Louisiana. Alexandria also was home to more cases of new female early syphilis cases than any other region in the state.