LRN PM Newscall April 23

Voters in southeast Louisiana will elect a new Congressman in the 2nd district on Saturday. Jim Shannon looks at the race between Karen Carter Peterson and Troy Carter…

Cut 1 (30) “ …I’m Jim Shannon” 


Louisiana Green Fuels announces plans to construct a 700-million dollar renewable diesel refinery in Caldwell Parish. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 2 (31) …I’m Jeff Palermo”  


Southeast Louisiana voters decide who will represent the state’s second congressional district in DC Saturday. UNO Political Science Professor Ed Chervenak says the heated race between Democrats Karen Carter Peterson and Troy Carter is not about the issues.

Cut 3 (11)  “…personal” 

Chervenak says the race comes down to likeability between the candidates and their ability to turn out the vote. He says with voter turnout expected to be between 15 and 20 percent it’s definitely a challenge.

Cut 4 (10) “…the poll” 

Both candidates are from New Orleans and serve in the Louisiana Senate. Chervenak says Carter received the endorsement of outgoing Congressman Cedric Richmond…

Cut 5  (12)  “…the district”

Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.


The DEA is holding a semi-annual prescription drug take-back day throughout the State tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  This allows you to turn in your unused or unwanted prescription drugs so that they can be disposed of properly.  Special agent Randy Harness says getting rid of these drugs might save someone’s life.

Cut 6 (13) “..someone else”

Harness says that this take-back event is vital because overdose deaths are on the rise and pain meds are a major reason…

Cut 7 (11) “…this year.”

Assistant special agent Mike Zaiter says while most people believe they can handle their prescriptions responsibly, abusing the drugs isn’t hard.

Cut 8 (13) “…illegally..”

For more information on the closest take-back site, go to and enter your zip code.


The wife of one of the missing crewmembers from the Seacor lift boat that capsized last Tuesday files a $25-million lawsuit. Loyola University Political Science Professor Dane Ciolino says anytime there’s a workplace accident that results in the loss of life or major injury there’s going to be a civil lawsuit, but who can be named in the suit remains the question.

Cut 9 (11) “..contend are responsible.”

Ciolino says this suit is most likely the first of many to be filed and could take years to settle. He says it’s a matter of who’s responsible and why and how much damage is suffered by the plaintiffs as a result.

Cut 10 (10) “…company was.” 

Most industrial lawsuits are settled before they go to court and Ciolino believes that will be the same with this lawsuit.

Cut 11 (11) “…years pass”

Ciolino says he’s actually surprised it took as long as it did for a lawsuit to be filed despite the tragedy taking place less than two weeks ago.


Louisiana Green Fuels plans on building a 700-million dollar renewable diesel refinery in Caldwell Parish on a 171-acre site at the Port of Columbia. Governor Edwards says a final investment decision is expected in late 2022, but this has the potential to be a major economic development win for rural north Louisiana…

Cut 12 (12)   “…five million dollars” 

The plant would provide up to 32-million gallons of renewable fuel annually, 83-percent of the final product is expected to be renewable diesel.

Edwards says the project is also great for the environment as the state seeks to address climate change. He says the refinery would remove more carbon from the environment than it produces…

Cut 13 (13)“….carbon negative”

Edwards says the state has established a goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. He says this biodiesel plant is a step in the right direction

Cut 14 (11) “ hydrogen”