09:30 Newscast August 8th, 2014

Bobby Jindal is scheduled to be in Iowa today and tomorrow, his third visit to the important presidential primary state in recent months. Early polls show muted interest in Jindal’s aspirations, a recent CNN poll even put him outside the top 7 candidates. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says that outside opinions will not sway the governor…:
CUT 7 (09) “listening to”
Jindal says he will not make any calls on a presidential run until after the November elections have concluded

Incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu announced this week her decision to participate in four televised debates — but her main challenger, Republican Congressman Bill Cassidy, says he won’t make a decision on Senate debates until after qualifying. Rob Maness has agreed to participate in the same four debates as Landrieu. Cassidy’s spokesman said the Senate race won’t have a formal field of candidates until after qualifying is over. The period runs from August 20-22.

New EPA regulations that would require the state to lower ozone pollution levels have some Louisiana business owners concerned about the impact on the state’s economy. Matthew Doyle has more…:
CUT 3 (35) “reporting”

Gas prices in Louisiana are over 5 cents lower today than they were this time last week. According to the American Automobile Association the current statewide average for a gallon of regular is now $3.28.