2:30 LRN Newscast February 26

The Edwards administration has proposed a 36 billion dollar budget plan for next fiscal year, a 186 million dollar increase over the current year. Matt Doyle has more…
Cut 1 (30) “ …I’m Matt Doyle.”

In a town hall discussion streamed on the Advocate newspaper’s websites, Governor Edwards hinted he may loosen COVID restrictions on businesses next week as new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations continue to decline. But Edwards also said he remains concerned about another spike because of the U-K variant.

State officials say there is a critical need for blood donations due to supply disruptions caused by last week’s winter storms. State Health Officer Dr. Joe Kanter says donating blood is quick and easy. You can call 2-1-1 to be directed to a donation center near you.
Cut 3 (07) “…twice”
Governor Edwards asks if you have a regularly scheduled blood donation appointment to move it up to this weekend.

One of the biggest challenges for new parents is getting their young children to eat healthy. Pediatrician and Mom, Doctor Candice Jones, says be persistent in your efforts to get kids to eat healthy foods…
cut 14 (11) “…take it”
Jones says introduce fruit and vegetables with low-fat yogurt in the form of smoothies to make food more appealing for young children.