8:30 LRN Newscast February 23

A 29-year-old Baton Rouge native is set to be the first cancer survivor ever launched into space. Matt Doyle has more on Hayle Arceneaux…
Cut 3 (30) ā€œā€¦Iā€™m Matt Doyle.ā€

According to data analyst Jeff Asher, about half of Louisianians over the age of 70 have received at least one of their COVID-19 vaccine shots. Asher says that’s a big deal since 70-percent of the Louisiana residents who have died from COVID-1( are over the age of 70. Asher says over 10-percent of Louisiana’s population has received one shot.

Three of the state’s largest cities are under boil water advisories, Lake Charles, Alexandria and Shreveport. Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins says the city expects to have water service restored today, but more work needs to be done…
cut 7 (10) “….system”
Alexandria is also asking residents to conserve water so the system can catch up.

The Task Force on Affordable Automobile Insurance, which was created to analyze the state’s auto insurance premium rates meets today at the state capitol. Co-chairman of the task force and state senator Kirk Talbot says a new law went into effect January first that changes how auto insurance lawsuits are handled and the hope is that the tort reform will lead to lower premiums…
cut 4 (07) “….at us”