Republican members of Louisiana’s Congressional delegation are expected to vote against certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College win…
cut 1 (31) “….I’m Matt Doyle”
The state health department has told hospitals to begin using current and future COVID vaccine allotments on individuals over the age of 70 and an expanded group of health care workers. L-D-H reported yesterday that 56-thousand vaccine doses have been administered.
The state legislature has approved Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin’s plan to allow COVID-19 emergency rules to be used again for a special election in February and local and congressional elections in March and April due to the ongoing pandemic. Ardoin says only a small number of voters used the COVID-19 rules in last year’s elections.
Cut 11 (11) “…one-thousand two-hundred-seventeen.”
The state department of education is launching a new program designed to increase the number of high school grads who earn an associate’s degree or participate in a high-demand apprenticeship program during high school. Superintendent of Education Doctor Cade Brumley says the Fast Forward Initiative would allow a high school junior or senior to take classes on a postsecondary campus or a postsecondary satellite campus…
cut 9 (09) “…..electrician”