Senators Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy are splitting on tomorrow’s Congressional vote to certify the Presidential Election results with Cassidy for and Kennedy against. President Trump has called on Republicans to reject the results, calling them fraudulent. LSU Poli Sci Professor Robert Hogan says that call has GOP members in a bind…
Courts have rejected Trump’s lawsuits challenging the results and Louisiana’s Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin says there is no evidence of cheating.
Unemployed workers are receiving an extra 300-dollars a week. Louisiana Workforce Commission Executive Director Ava Dejoie says the extra money is the result of the COVID relief bill approved by Congress…
The wife of the late Congressman-elect Luke Letlow is reportedly considering a run for his seat. USA Today Network reporter Greg Hilburn broke the story Julia Letlow has been asked to run. ULM Poli Science Professor Joshua Stockley says former Congressman Ralph Abraham is also a possibility…
Qualifying begins January 20th.
A new law took effect this year that requires health insurance companies to cover newly developed precision genetic treatments for cancer patients. River Ridge Senator Kirk Talbot who authored the bill says before most cancer patients couldn’t get coverage for these types of treatments without a serious fight.