330 PM LRN News

Louisiana’s Senior Senator has helped develop a 908-billion dollar COVID emergency relief package. Jeff Palermo has the story…

cut 2 (30) … I’m Jeff Palermo.”  

A swinger’s convention in New Orleans turns into a COVID super spreading event after 41 people who attended the Nawghty in N’awlins swingers gathering at the NOPSI Hotel test postive. 250 people total are believed to have attended the event which was held after being postponed this summer.

Schools were allowed to stay in Phase Three despite most of the rest of the state moving into Phase Two last month. State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says that’s because Governor Edwards agreed with medical experts who are confident schools are not super spreader locations.

Cut 6 (10) “..percent”

Between October 2019 and September 2020 756 children were adopted from Louisiana foster care, the fourth-highest number of adoptions in a single year. Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Adoption Program Manager Cheryl Tirado says  44-percent of all adopted children involved siblings…

Cut 13 (12) “… together.”