430 PM LRN News

Governor Edwards moves the state back into a “modified Phase Two” that restricts most businesses to 50 percent capacity, closes nearly all bars, and cuts down on stadium capacity in areas that were allowed to have up to 50 percent previously…

Cut 13 (07) “…required”

A maximum of 75 people will be allowed at indoor events, with a maximum of 150 people allowed at outdoor events. The order takes effect Wednesday and will last until at least December 23rd.

Senator Bill Cassidy becomes the first of Louisiana’s Republican Congressional Delegation members to concede that Joe Biden won the presidential race. ULM Poli Sci Professor Joshua Stockley says he’s not surprised Cassidy was the first…

Cut 6 (09) “…pragmatism.”

Many are trying to get a rapid COVID test before Thanksgiving dinner and forgo advice from health officials to not gather outside their immediate household. Brooke Thorington has more

cut 2 (29) … I’m Brooke Thorington.”  

The weather forecast for Thanksgiving looks like it will be rainy for much of the state Thursday. Because of this Governor Edwards is asking people to cancel all Thanksgiving gatherings with people outside of your immediate household, even if you planned out a socially distanced outdoor event. Once the rain begins falling it is likely people will flock indoors where transmission is 20 times more likely than outdoors.