PM Newscall, March 24th, 2015

A study released by the state department of economic development finds that the state’s film tax credit program cost the state 171-million dollars last fiscal year. Jeff Palermo has the story…

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


Republican Congressman Charles Boustany announces that a contract has been awarded to build a new VA clinic in Lafayette. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 2 (29) “reporting”


A Franklin Parish woman was sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to second degree cruelty to a juvenile after causing her 20-month-old daughter to fall out of her moving car last June. District Attorney Mack Lancaster says he’s satisfied with the sentence handed down to 24-year-old LaSasha Allen of Winnsboro…

CUT 3 (10)  “appropriate sentence”

The child sustained multiple injuries, including a broken arm and skull fracture. Lancaster says there is no doubt in his mind that Allen intentionally tried to hurt her daughter…

CUT 4 (06)  “fall out”

Lancaster says Allen placed her daughter in an unrestrained position and opened the car door while rounding a curve, allowing her daughter to fall out. He says Allen has shown no remorse for what she did to her daughter…

CUT 5 (05)  “somewhat silently”


Republican Congressman Charles Boustany announces that a contract has been awarded to build a new VA clinic in Lafayette. Last year, Boustany passed legislation authorizing the construction of new clinics in Lafayette and Lake Charles. Boustany says this is a great day for Lafayette veterans…

CUT 6 (11)  “long overdue”

The Lafayette clinic will be built on Ambassador Caffery Parkway and is expected to be completed 18 months after construction begins. Boustany says this clinic is something veterans in the Acadiana region have been waiting too long for…

CUT 7 (07)  “of this clinic”

However, Boustany says there is still no word from the VA on the construction of a new clinic in Lake Charles. He says the VA is dragging its feet on this and that’s not acceptable…

CUT 8 (08)  “on construction”


A study examining the state’s film tax credit program finds that it created nearly 13-thousand jobs in Louisiana, but cost the state 171-million dollars last fiscal year. LSU Economist Loren Scott conducted the study for the state department of economic development and he says the film tax credit program costs more than it brings in

CUT 9 (10)  “film industry”

Reforming the state’s film tax credit program is expected to be a major topic in the upcoming legislative session. Some lawmakers will point to the number of jobs it has created, but Scott says is it worth the 171-million dollar negative impact on the budget

cut 10 (05) “jobs as well”

Scott says even though the state’s film tax credit program produced nearly 13-thousand jobs last fiscal year, that doesn’t mean the jobs produced actually benefited Louisiana…

cut 11 (09)  “be spent”


The Department of Health and Hospitals says Louisiana has cut the rate of Tuberculosis cases by more than half from 2010 to 2014. DHH TB Control Program Director Charles DeGraw says that puts us 12 percent below the national case rate…:

cut 12 (10)  “at that point”

DeGraw credits the TB Control Program for its successful implementation of new tools which have lowers the instance of the disease and working toward the ultimate eradication of Tuberculosis in Louisiana. He says this is great news…:

cut 13 (10)  “over that period of time”

DeGraw says this also helps because doctors no longer have to treat problem cases which makes the other end of treatment and follow up and completion of treatment easier to do. He says they also reduced the percentage of TB cases with HIV infection from 10% in 2010 to 4 percent in 2014…:

cut 14 (10)  “who have Tuberculosis”
