11:30 LRN Newscast Oct 6

Hurricane Delta is now a Category 4 storm and once again Louisiana is in the crosshairs of a major hurricane.  National Weather Service New Orleans meteorologist Kevin Gilmore says before it becomes an issue for the northern Gulf Coast on Saturday, it’ll make an initial landfall in Mexico.

Cut 3 (09)  “…it is now.”  

Former Governor Mike Foster will be laid to rest tomorrow in his hometown of Franklin after passing away on Sunday at the age of 90. He’s credited for creating the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. L-C-T-C-S president Monty Sullivan says prior to 1998, the state had four community colleges and one technical college. That has since grown to a system of twelve.


Cut 12 (11) “…last 20+ years.”


Lawmakers sparred Monday in a House committee over legislation that would potentially strip state funding from localities and universities that cut police budgets by 10 percent or more.  Prairieville Representative Tony Bacala says the state is already one of the most crime-ridden in the nation and cutting police budgets would just exacerbate that.

Cut 6 (10) “for me”

The bill would require municipalities and schools to submit an annual report to the Joint Legislative Committee of the Budget detailing the status of their police budgets.

Bastrop representative Frederick Jones says the bill is insulting to African Americans. He says while he disagrees with the “Defund” movement…

Cut 7 (11) “crying out”

The bill is authored by Alexandria representative Lance Harris and head to the full House next.