AM Newscall, March 19th, 2015

A new study from the University of Texas Health Science Center links drinking diet sodas to increasing waistlines in senior citizens. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


New Orleans Senator JP Morrell files a bill that would allow public students in Orleans Parish to be ask about what type of sexual behaviors they are involved in. Michelle Southern reports…:

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Governor Bobby Jindal calls eliminating Common Core a top priority in the upcoming legislative session, but education leaders plan to fight his efforts. Scott Carwile…

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A new study from the University of Texas Health Science Center links drinking diet sodas to increasing waistlines in senior citizens. The study followed seniors for nine years and found that waistlines increased by more than 3 inches in those who consumed diet sodas every day. LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center registered dietitian, Cathy Champagne, says this study was not a controlled study…

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This study wasn’t designed to prove whether diet soda had a direct cause to weight gain, but did find an association. Champagne says obesity and increasing waistlines are two very complicated subjects…

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The study suggests that artificial sweeteners could increase weight gain by altering the way the body processes sugar, making people hungrier. While the study doesn’t prove a direct connection with diet sodas and a bigger waist, Champagne says moderation will always be your best bet…

Cut 6 (08)  “not so good”


The IRS says there are about 22,000 people in Louisiana who did not file a tax return in 2011 which amounts to potential refunds of up to $21.4 million dollars. Spokeswoman Lea (Lee) Crusberg says tax payers only have until April 15th of this year to file their 2011 return to get their refund or else the money will go into the US Treasury…:

CUT 7 (10) “for taxpayers”

Crusberg says the average potential refund in Louisiana is $693. She says in cases where a tax return was not filed, the law provides most citizens with a three-year window of opportunity for claiming a refund…:

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Crusberg says by failing to file a tax return, people stand to lose more than just their refund of taxes withheld or paid during 2011 — she says many low-and-moderate income workers may not have claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit which was much higher three years ago. Crusberg says time is running out for you to get this done…:

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New Orleans Senator JP Morrell files a bill that would allow public students in Orleans Parish to be surveyed about what type of behaviors they are involved in — including sexual behavior. He says results of such a review would help with coming up with a sex ed class that would actually be effective…:

Cut 10 (11) “these days”

Morrell says Louisiana has a law on the books that prohibits students from being asked about their personal beliefs in sex, morality or religion…:

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Baton Rouge Representative Pat Smith introduced similar legislation last year but it failed after a massive push-back from the Louisiana Family Forum. Morrell says opponents believe that by addressing sexual education you are making kids promiscuous…:

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Governor Jindal’s plan to rid Common Core from Louisiana a disgrace. Jindal announced his intentions to remove the controversial education standards with three pieces of legislation that will be heard in the upcoming legislative session. But BESE President Chas Roemer says it makes no sense to turn back now

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Jindal announced that he wants to replace Common Core with an education standard and assessment test developed by Louisiana teachers and parents. But Roemer says Louisiana had input on Common Core and the early results are encouraging

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Jindal’s announcement sets the stage for a big battle in the upcoming legislative session.  State Superintendent of Education John White says turning back from Common Core will create problems for Louisiana teachers

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But Jindal says parents are frustrated with the way their children are being taught, because of Common Core…

Cut 16  (09)  “our classrooms”


Ninth-seeded LSU faces 8th seeded North Carolina State tonight in the NCAA Tournament. The oddsmakers have the Wolfpack as a two-point favorite. Tiger Rag Editor Cody Worsham says it’s hard game to decide who will win….

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Worsham says for LSU to win, they’ll need great performances from their two big men, Jarell Martin and Jordan Mickey

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Worsham says LSU needs to be concerned about North Carolina State’s guards….

Cut 19 (15)   “the perimeter”