10:30 LRN Newscast September 1

Residents in Cameron, Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis, Beauregard, Allen and Vernon Parished who sustained roof damage can request a blue tarp by calling 1-888-766-3258. Governor Edwards says installation is free and he says it will allow people to stay in their homes while permanent repairs are made…
cut 9 (08) “…plan”

The Department of Children and Family Services has opened the reception center at the Alexandria MegaShelter for Hurricane Laura evacuees. DCFS Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says the MegaShelter serves as a centralized location to route evacuees to available lodging at a hotel.
Cut 10 (12) “…and there’s food.”
The reception center is open 24-7 and there are about 10-thousand evacuees staying in hotels.

About 280-thousand customers are still without power in Louisiana and the lack of electricity is impacting the state’s two billion dollar poultry industry. Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain says there’s a fuel hotline that puts farmers in direct contact with a fuel distributor…
cut 4 (11) “…poultry alive”
The fuel hotline for poultry farmers is area code 225-952-8158.

If you’d like to help the Laura recovery effort, but afraid of exposure to coronavirus, the Red Cross is offering virtual volunteer opportunities. Red Cross Capital West Chapter Director Ed Bush says online volunteers are vital and can help the organization manage and coordinate data…
Cut 24 (10)“…systems”
If interested fill out an application at red-cross-dot-org.