AM Newscall for Monday March 16

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and it is reported that nearly 23 million Americans between the ages of 50 and 75 are not getting tested as recommended. Scott Carwile reports…

CUT 1 (28) “reporting”


Students in third through eighth grades will begin taking the controversial tests tied to Common Core today. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


The state Department of Health and Hospitals announces a new initiative aimed at reducing c-section rates among Louisiana mothers. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and it is reported that nearly 23 million Americans between the ages of 50 and 75 are not getting tested as recommended. Last year alone, more than 50,000 people died of colorectal cancer in the United States. Tulane Gastroenterologist, Dr. Jordan Karlitz, says this is a major public health problem in the state…

cut 4  (09)  “United States”

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States. But Karlitz says it is preventable with screening. He says a colonoscopy is recommended because it can identify pre-cancerous polyps and remove them before they turn into cancer…

Cut 5  (07)  “their screening”

Karlitz says many insurance plans, including Medicare, help with the expense of colorectal cancer screenings. He says, by getting screened appropriately, you can really have a profound effect on this illness…

Cut 6 (09)  “least in half”


Students in third through eighth grades will begin taking the controversial tests tied to Common Core today. This is the first time PARCC will be administered in Louisiana. State Department of Education Superintendent John White says this is about getting a basic description of what kids should be able to do at the end of each grade level…:

CUT 7 (10) “we’re doing that”

The DOE says if a child chooses not to take the PARCC test, the score for that student in the accountability system is counted as a zero — but the child is not the one getting the zero. There are many people who oppose Common Core arguing that it’s too complex but White says it’s time that we stop teaching math with memorization…:

Cut 8  (10)  “it really is” 

The DOE says promotion from one grade to the next is a district decision during this transition to higher expectations. White says Common Core is a standard, it’s not curriculum. He says how it’s taught and what’s used to teach it is up to districts. White says at the state level, it’s their job to assure kids a basic fundamental right to a quality education…:

Cut 9 (07)  “to parents”


The state Department of Health and Hospitals announces a new initiative aimed at reducing c-section rates among Louisiana mothers. DHH Secretary Kathy Kleibert says “Go the Full 40″ is a voluntary pledge by hospitals to end non-medically indicated induced pregnancies…:

Cut 10 (09) “healthy life”

Kleibert says about 50% of babies in Louisiana are born before 40 weeks gestation. She says they know going full term reduces medical problems for both the mother and child…:

cut 11 (09) “complications”

Kleibert says she is very proud of the March of Dimes and health care partners for taking another step in making the well being of newborns a priority. She says not only are early elective deliveries more dangerous, they are also more expensive. Kleibert says they will be going around talking to hospitals and doctors about the importance of going the full 40…:

cut 12 (04)  “this initiative”


For the first time since 2009, the LSU Tigers are in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. The Bayou Bengals are a nine-seed and they’ll face North Carolina State on Thursday night in Pittsburgh. Coach Johnny Jones says the goal all season long was to get an invite to the Big Dance

Cut 13 (15)  “front of us”

There was a concern LSU would not get into the tournament after they lost to Auburn in the quarterfinals of the SEC Tournament. But based on LSU getting a nine-seed, they really didn’t need to sweat it out. Jones says the tournament selection committee recognizes LSU had a good regular season…

Cut 14 (09) “from this team”

The LSU Tigers get into the NCAA Tournament in year three of Jones at the helm. He says it’s a sign the program is heading in right direction

Cut 15  (08)  “right road”