10:30 A.M. LRN Newscast 08/09/2020

Governor Edwards is reinstating work search requirements for those receiving unemployment insurance benefits. Matt Doyle has more…
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle”

A Gonzales bar and a Lake Charles bar have been cleared to re-open after being shut down by the ATC. The Pelican Pub owner agreed to a 250 dollar fine for repeatedly violating corona standards. The lake Charles arrangement was similar.

The LHSAA has decided to delay the start of the prep football season to October eighth. Executive director Eddie Bonine says the goal is to play a six to eight regular-season game schedule. Bonine says they are also looking at pushing the state football championships back from the second weekend in December
Cut 7 (12) “…playoff structure.”

NOAA will reveal its updated 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast at 10 AM today, with all signs pointing to an upgraded projection due to the current record-setting year.
State Climatologist Barry Keim says we’ve never seen so many storms so early in the season…
Cut 10 (13) “on record”