If Louisiana is still in Phase Two when schools reopen in August then students who rely on a bus for transportation could be in a bind, because bus occupancy will be limited to 50 percent. State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says school districts are working on solutions and reaching out to parents…
Cut 10 (10) “…school bus”
If the state can move into Phase Three then capacity can increase to 75-percent.
Legislation that would provide grocery store workers, bus drivers, law enforcement personnel, and healthcare workers with a 250-dollar check is nearing final legislative passage. Alexandria Senator Jay Luneau says these individuals put their health at risk by showing up to work during the first few weeks of the pandemic
Cut 13 (08) “…this is about.”
The legislation needs House approval on Senate changes before it heads to the governor’s desk. Front line or essential workers will be eligible for this 250-dollar check if they make less than 50-thousand dollars a year.
An analysis by housing advocates warns that up to 130-thousand households across Louisiana are at risk of evictions. Matt Doyle has more.
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”