Governor Edwards is demanding businesses comply with coronavirus restrictions as the state reported another 13-hundred cases today. Edwards has said since the pandemic started the state can not enforce its way to compliance, but he’s planning to take a more heavy-handed approach.
Cut 4 (12)_ “…these mandates.”
Hospitalizations rose to 700 today.
Assistant health secretary Alex Billioux says the vast majority in new cases is coming from community spread. Billioux says the percentage of tests that are positive is eight-percent, the federal goal is to keep it below 10-percent.
Cut 13 (09) “…increases there”
91-percent of the cases are tied to community spread rather than congregate settings like nursing homes.
The UL System is anticipating a five percent loss of revenue by the end of the 2021 fiscal year. President Jim Henderson says the pitch for students uncertain of returning is still the same, a 14-percent annual rate of return on their degree from a U-L system school.
For the current fiscal year ending June 30th, the UL System is set to suffer a 28 million dollar net loss.
Blaine Kern, Sr., who was widely considered Mr. Mardi Gras, has died. He was 93. Kern was the founder of Blaine Kern Artists, which designs, builds, and stages most of the region’s largest carnival parades. Mardi Gras expert Arthur Hardy remembers Kern as a key figure in the history of Mardi Gras.