1:30 LRN Newscast April 16

The loan program set up by the federal government to help small businesses pay employees during the COVID-19 crisis has run out of money. Congressman Steve Scalise of Metairie says the Paycheck Protection Program has already helped out thousands of Louisiana businesses…
cut 9 (11) “…out of money”
President Trump has asked for additional 251-billion dollars for the program and Scalise is hopeful Congress can approve the additional funding in the next few days.

Governor Edwards announced today who will serve on his Resilient Louisiana Commission. Edwards says this panel will make recommendations on how the state can grow its economy again. The governor is looking at loosing some of the rules of his stay at home order and this panel will receive input from business leaders…
cut 8 (11) “…stand up”

State officials say students will continue education via remote learning for the remainder of the school year as the governor has closed K-12 public schools. Kevin Barnhart has the story.
Cut 2 (31) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says 13 of the top 20 auto insurers doing business in Louisiana are providing premium reductions and rebates to policyholders since people are driving less. He says the rebate programs are resulting in 187-million dollars back into the hands of consumers.