9:30 LRN Newscast April 6

Today marks the start of the third week Louisiana has been under a stay at home order and the cases and deaths from the coronavirus continues to climb. Louisiana has over 13-thousand positive cases and 477 deaths, an increase of 68 marking the largest single-day jump in fatal cases. The economy is also suffering and Governor John Bel Edwards looks forward to the day when the state can ease its restrictions…
cut 15 (11) “…possibly can”
The stay at home order is through April, but the governor released a graph on Friday that showed the state is on course to require 25-hundred new hospitalizations a day in the New Orleans area by mid-May.

A field hospital at the New Orleans Convention Center can begin accepting patients today.

Louisiana is giving TOPS applications until September 30th to achieve a 20 on their ACT in order to qualify for the scholarship. The previous deadline was April, but the April tests have been canceled and LOFSA Executive Director Sujuan Boutte says they hope to schedule an A-C-T testing date in June…
cut 8 (07) “…safe”

The coronavirus is impacting children as uncertainty and change of routine has made life unpredictable…
Cut 1 (31) “I’m Brooke Thorington”