7:30 LRN Newscast April 3rd

Louisiana’s stay at home order has been extended through April. Matt Doyle has the story…
voicer 1 (30) “…Matt Doyle”

State Treasurer John Schroder says his office is mailing four-million dollars worth of unclaimed property checks to Louisiana residents…
cut 9 (05) “…average”
Unclaimed property funds include payroll checks, old bank accounts, royalties, utility deposits, and interest payments.

The state education department is leaving up to local systems to decide if high school seniors have met course requirements in order to graduate. Assistant Superintendent Ken Bradford says seniors do not have to take standardized tests, but local school systems will decide how to award course credits…
Cut 10 (08) “…high school credit.”
Bradford says the school system can determine if the student should receive a letter grade for the class he was taking or a simple pass-fail grade.

The Department of Children and Family Services is not relaxing child support payments due to the pandemic. Child Support Enforcement Director Lydia Scales says non-custodial parents are still on the hook for money owed despite their employment status, but no enforcement actions will be taken.