9:30 LRN Newscast April 2nd

Governor Edwards warns Louisianans to start mentally preparing for a traumatic month ahead due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Matt Doyle has the story.
Cut 3 (46) “…I’m Matt Doyle”

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is warning folks not to fall for fake news about bans on fishing or other outdoor activities during the coronavirus shutdown. LDWF spokesperson Renee LeBreton says outside of the seizure of three state parks as isolation areas for COVID patients, nothing has changed when it comes to what you can do outdoors.
Cut 10 (11) “…fake.”
LeBreton says LDWF is encouraging people to explore nature, by fishing or hunting during this time of social distancing.

Since restaurants have reduced their seafood purchases the LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant are helping fishermen find alternative buyers. It’s through a website called Louisiana-Direct-Seafood-dot-com. AgCenter coastal agent Rusty Gaude says consumers can go to that website and purchase fresh seafood during this uncertain time for fishermen…
cut 6 (06) “….this hard time”