1230PM LRN News

Louisiana now has over 4,000 confirmed coronavirus cases sees 34 new deaths and 485 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 over the past 24 hours. Governor Edwards says, unfortunately, that shows Louisiana has not yet begun to flatten the curve of new coronavirus cases, and that likely means he will have to extend the statewide stay at home order that was set to expire April 13th. Edwards says we’re second in the nation in per capita COVID-19 linked deaths.

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Attorney General Jeff Landry celebrates news that the state is receiving 400,000 tablets of hydroxychloroquine, a possible COVID-19 treatment he says could help keep our frontline healthcare workers in the fight…

Cut 8 (07) “…with this crisis.”

LSU students return to school today for the first time in two weeks, but they won’t be on campus as all classes have been moved online for the semester. English Lit Professor Kevin Cope says the transition to online learning has gone about well as it could considering the short notice, but LSU was not fully prepared to make the jump.

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Cope says those in traditional liberal arts classes will likely fare the best under the new online-only curriculum, and those in lab heavy courses, as well as those in sociology, education, and social work will likely lose the most in the transition.