08:30 LRN Newscast Feb 20

LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center assists in the discovery of 97 new genetic factors that contribute to obesity. Doctor Mark Starzynksi says they’ve also found 49 genetic markers that determine where fat is stored and he says the next step is seeing how these markers are specifially related to obesity…
cut 6 (10) “….something like that”
Starzynski says this research should result in better ways to treat obesity.

Former Governor Edwin Edwards is seeking a real estate license. The 87-year-old is not interested in showing homes, but he would like to work with friends on developing property in south Louisiana…
cut 12 (04) “…for our joint benefit”
Edwards says getting a real estate license is something he’s thought about, since he was released from federal prison in 2011.

Religious leader, Reverend Jeremiah Wright visited Southern University’s campus, for a black history month program, where he told those in the audience that they should look to church, not government, when it comes assistance in their life. Wright was President Barack Obama’s minister until 2008, when controversial comments surfraced from a sermon he gave in 2003. Wright didn’t mention Mr. Obama during yesterday’s speech, but defended his work…
cut 14 (08) “….2008″

Action by the state bond commission allows for a plan to upgrade the Cajundome in Lafayette to move forward. The facility’s director Greg Davis says the 16-point-seven-million project includes the redesign of the lower seating level, which will allow for more seats. The bond commission gave approval to the selling of 20-million dollars in revenue bonds to fund the upgrade.