9:30 LRN Newscasts February 17

Legislation has been filed for the legislative session that begins next month that would end the requirement for a concealed carry permit. Opponents of the proposal argue concealed carry creates additional public risk and the licensing classes exist to ensure gun owners are responsible and informed enough to carry a concealed weapon. But the author of the bill, Oil City Representative Danny McCormick disagrees…
cut 9 (04) “…per say”
Governor Edwards is a second-amendment supporter, but no word if he supports this legislation.

Meanwhile, Edwards has created an Advisory Council on Rural Revitalization. Louisiana Farm Bureau President Ronnie Anderson is one of 34 appointees and says the work is important because many rural areas are drying up….
cut 13 (11) “…these rural areas”
Anderson says expanding broadband internet availability is one goal of the council.

The Senate votes to advance a measure limiting the President’s authority to engage in acts of war against Iran. Matt Doyle spoke with one of the measure’s supporters Senator Bill Cassidy…
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle”

East Baton Rouge Sheriff Sid Gautreaux has apologized after one of his detectives put down the wrong birth date of an individual who has failed to return a leased vehicle. The error led to Sara Saucier of Ponchtatoula spending 36 hours in a New Orleans jail after U-S customs agents arrested her on a cruise ship.