LRN Newscast 14:30 02-19-16

The latest numbers show Senator David Vitter leading the way in the governor’s race with $3.5 million in the bank for his campaign. But, Republican State Treasurer John Kennedy is right behind with 3.45 million…
CUT 5 (09) Q: ‘to run for”
That’s Polilitical Analyst Bernie Pinsonat, who says the other choices could include attorney general, US Senator, or his re-election.

The Louisiana Supreme Court will review the case of a Lafayette woman, who was literally scared to death by a home intruder in 1999. Forty year-old Willie James Robertson guilty of causing a heart attack that killed 86 year-old Irene Schools. The appeals court overturned the conviction, but Legal analyst Tim Meche says there’s a trend of reversals of late….
CUT 8 (10) Q; ‘very flimsy’
The Mandeville Police Department says a man is charged with his 8th DWI after he allegedly drove a car that didn’t belong to him drunk into another vehicle then fled the scene…
CUT 2 (30) “reporting”

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has announced they will be delaying tax refunds by one week until the week of March 2nd. Officials say they are taking extra precautions to verify filings to ensure taxpayer fraud will not happen like it has in other parts of the country.