LRN Newscast 07:30 February 19

Secretary of State Tom Schedler announces reduced days of operation for 14 museums. Starting in mid-April, the old state capitol in Baton Rouge and the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum in Shreveport will only operate three days a week. Schedler says he has less state dollars to work with…
cut 13 (10) “…currently expand”
Schedler says 12 smaller museums under his control will only be open one-day a week.

Over 184-thousand Louisianans have enrolled for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. That’s an 81-percent increase in participation compared to last year and Marketplace director Kevin Counihan says they still have a long way to go, especially when it comes to making the customer experience easier…
cut 8 (06) “….we’re working on”

The State Department of Ag and Forestry says an insect pest called Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Louisiana. Commissioner Mike Strain says the bug attacks ash trees and has been confirmed in Webster Parish…
cut 10 (07) “…the trees die”
Strain says there’s no method to eradicate the insect, so to keep it him from spreading he’s urging residents in north Louisiana to not transport firewood more than ten miles.

A doctoral candidate in LSU’s college of Engineering is working on technology that would use drones to kill off mosquitos. Charles Malveaux says drones are used to apply chemicals for other purposes, especially agriculture, and it can be a powerful tool in combating mosquitoes…
cut 6 (11) “ the future”
Malveaux says he knew someone who died from the West Nile Virus.