3:30 LRN Newscast

Houma Representative Jerome Zeringue has been named the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. The Republican from the Bayou was first elected to the House in 2015. Lafayette Representative Stuart Bishop will serve as chairman of House Ways and Means.

Farmers say crawfish demand has been a little slow. Kevin Barnhart explains…
cut 2 (32) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart.”

Gasbuddy-dot-com says the statewide average price for a gallon of gasoline has fallen eight cents to $2.15 a gallon, Petroleum analyst Patrick DeHaan says the demand for energy is down because of the Coronavirus. DeHaan says a similar situation happened with the 2003 SARS outbreak…
cut 11 (13) “…to China”

After the national title game, an LSU fan started a Go Fund Me page to help Clemson purchase a new Tiger mascot, because of how it looks. 31-hundred dollars was raised, but the money will not go to Clemson. Instead, it will go to Tigers United University Consortium, a partnership between Auburn, Clemson, LSU and the University of Missouri, with the goal of doubling the wild tigers’ population by 2022…
cut 4 (08) “…ten”
That’s Director of the Tigers United University Consortium, Brett Wright.