12:30 LRN Newscast Nov 29

Holiday shopping might bring out super savings, but it also brings out sleuths.  But there are things you can do to protect yourself and your wallet.  Amanda Larkins, Outreach Manager for the Louisiana AG’s Office says use only one credit card when shopping. It could save you valuable time in the end if things do go awry.

Cut 5 (12) “…cancellation time.”

Also, be sure to check that card for unusual activity after you’ve made shopping trips and especially when you’ve used the card online.

WalletHub surveyed over eight thousand retailers to find out who’s offering the most discounts today and Stage topped the list with an average of 70 percent off. As for which category of items will have the biggest savings, WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzales says jewelry has the highest markup traditionally, so it should have the highest markdowns.

A family tradition for many this weekend is buying that fresh Christmas tree. Jeff Palermo reports it’s been a good year for the Louisiana Christmas Tree Association…

cut  2 (30) “…I’m Jeff Palermo”