1:30 LRN Newscast November 6

Eddie Rispone is hoping President Trump’s visit to Monroe tonight will put him in the Governor’s mansion. But a recent study indicates Trump may not be pushing voters as much as one would think.
cut 2 (31) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart.”

The College Football Playoff selection committee has Ohio State number one over LSU. Tiger Rag Editor Ron Higgins says its probably better for LSU that they are ranked second…
cut 4 (12) “…about that”

Public school report cards are out and the state’s overall performance score is up slightly, but the report shows more work needs to be done to improve struggling schools. 16 percent of schools scored an A, 32 percent a B, 29 percent a C, 14 percent a D, and nine percent a failing grade. Superintendent of Education John White compares that to last year.
cut 9 (08) ‘…schools”
571 schools have been identified as needing improvement after achieving low marks for two consecutive years.

One of the best authors the world has ever seen has passed away. Pointe Coupee Parish native Ernest Gaines has died at 86. He wrote two critically acclaimed books, the Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman and a Lesson Before Dying, but saw a lot of himself in a protagonist from his 1963 short story, The Sky is Gray…
cut 14 (07) “…everything”
Much of Gaines’ work focuses on the experience of African Americans living in the Jim Crow south.