10:30 AM Newscast

LPB hosts the only run-off debate of the governor’s race tonight starting at 7PM. Matt Doyle has a preview…

Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle” 

Over 5,600 have signed an online petition requesting the cancellation of classes for Rapides Parish public and private schools on Friday. Parents and kids are saying students need a day to rest after ingesting large amounts of candy and coming down from a sugar high following Halloween fun on Thursday night.


Louisiana is in for a stormy day today.  State Climatologist Barry Keim says it’s just the beginning of a bumpy ride of different weather conditions the state can expect over the next few days.

Cut 13 (12) “…state of Louisiana.”

Expect cold temps tomorrow as this evening, a cold front is going to sweep across Louisiana.

Parents have a new app to keep their kids safe, Safe Virtual Neighborhoods, which lets them know when a sex offender tries to contact their children. St. Charles Sheriff Greg Champagne says all parents need to do is download the app and plug-in their children’s information and they’ll be forwarded any alerts.

Cut 4 (13) “child.”

The app was developed by Covington based Offenderwatch.