LRN PM Newscall October 2nd

A West Monroe woman is in jail after pistol-whipping her husband with their children’s toys. Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 1 (31) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”


There are multiple reports of a man impersonating a police officer, who is pulling over women on Louisiana and Mississippi Highways. Matt Doyle has the story.

cut  2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”  


A West Monroe woman pistol whips her husband with two plastic nerf guns following a verbal altercation where the she accused her spouse of infidelity.  Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s spokesman Glenn Springfield says they received the call or a domestic altercation from the victim late Monday evening.

Cut 3 (10) “…and facial area.”

Springfield says deputies arrested 40-year-old Anh Thi Pham.  The suspect and the victim have been married for twelve years and their four children were at home at the time of the incident.

Cut 4 (11) “…and child endangerment.”

The nerf guns were not discharged during the attack.  Springfield says regardless of the weaponry used, the consequences for the suspect’s actions are no laughing matter.

Cut 5 (06) “…in being arrested.”


Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is reminding hunters of the importance of tree stand safety. LDWF Hunter Education manager Eric Shanks says a good start is inspecting the functionality of equipment before putting it to use.

Cut 6 (11) “…to replace it.”

35% of falls involve inspection elements. Shanks adds it is important to stay connected to the tree with a proper harness from the time your feet leave the ground.

Cut 7 (10) “…the whole time.” 

86% of fall victims did not wear a harness. Shanks says someone may have gotten away unscathed without taking proper safety precautions, but there is no reason to test fate.

Cut 8 (08) “…in one piece.”

For more information, go to TREE-STAND-SAFETY-AWARENESS-dot-ORG.


Republicans appear to be far more motivated to pack the polls this year than they were in 2015, according to an analysis of the first three days of early voting.

Early voting totals are nearly double what they were four years ago, and JMC Analytics publisher John Couvillon says it’s far more Republican as well.

Cut 9 (09) “night”

In 2015 Governor Edwards grabbed 40 percent of the primary vote, while the top three Republicans combined for 57 percent.

Couvillon says if these voter demographics hold Governor Edwards will not be able to avoid a run-off, contrary to what recent polls have shown.

Cut 10 (11) “…mid 40s.”

JMC’s most recent poll has Edwards sitting at 47 percent.

Couvillon says part of the GOP advantage seems to be a demotivated Democratic base. He says that’s likely due to Edwards’ attempts to appeal to Republicans and a heavy emphasis on winning the primary outright.

Cut 11 (10) “the need” 


There’s now three reports of a white male in his 40s allegedly impersonating a police officer and pulling over women on Louisiana and Mississippi highways.

One incident occurred over the weekend near the Bonnet Carre Spillway. St. Charles Parish Sheriff Captain Donnie Smith says the woman was pulled over by a black charger flashing blue and red lights.

Cut 12 (11) “…out”

Smith says after pulling the woman over the man allegedly told her he smelled marijuana in the car and demanded she exit the vehicle, then took her to the rear of the car.

Cut 13 (12) “…search”

The woman says after she began expressing concern that the man was not an officer, he got in his vehicle and fled.

The man was described as a medium build, with a generic looking badge and a Chinese symbol tattooed on the back of his neck. Smith says the suspect allegedly put a lot of effort into looking legitimate.

Cut 14 (12) “…chord”

Incidents have been reported in St. Charles Parish, East Feliciana Parish, and Wilkinson County Mississippi.

East Feliciana Chief Criminal Deputy Greg Phares says if you get pulled over, but are concerned it’s not a real officer, it’s legal to calmly make your way to a public space before interacting.

Cut 15 (07) “…safety.”

Phares also advises you call 9-1-1 and have a dispatcher confirm whether or not the car is an officer.