The gubernatorial candidates asked each other questions at last night’s debate and they did not hold back. Eddie Rispone continued his attack against fellow Republican Ralph Abraham over what he says is disloyalty to President Trump before he was elected. Abraham responded…
Cut 13 (13) “are lies”
Governor Edwards highlighted Rispone’s past financial support for former Governor Bobby Jindal, saying a Rispone Administration would be Jindal 2.0. Rispone wasn’t taking it.
Cut 15 (11) “…statement”
Early voting for the October 12th election begins tomorrow and will run through the following Saturday, except on Sunday. Check geaux-vote-dot-com for a polling site near you.
The Legislative Fiscal Office says most of the 500 million dollar projected budget surplus from last fiscal year is due to federal tax law changes. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Brooke Thorington”