9:30 LRN Newscast

So what will the gubernatorial candidates do if elected this fall? They answered that question during a forum at the Baton Rouge Press Club. Republican Congressman Ralph Abraham…
cut 11 (11) “….and budget reform”
Fellow GOP challenger Eddie Rispone says his focus will be creating jobs, while Governor Edwards wants to invest more dollars into early childhood education.

The race for insurance commissioner is a statistical dead heat according to a poll taken late last week by JMC Analytics and Polling. Pollster John Couvillon says Republican challenger Tim Temple has a new hard-hitting ad against the incumbent, Jim Donelon…
cut 5 (08) “….the wheel”
Couvillon says the race is far from over as 58-percent of the respondents are undecided.

An LSU Health New Orleans researcher finds that a common Diabetes medication is effective in treating cancerous tumors in mice. Biochemistry Professor Dr. Suresh Alahari says certain cancers lack a protein known as Nischarin, and Metformin, the diabetes treatment, activates an enzyme that can help neutralize those cancers.
Cut 7 (06) “…growth”
Metformin is already a proven commodity, and Alahari is excited about the prospect of it being used to treat ailments like breast and ovarian cancer, and possibly even Alzheimer’s.

Louisiana has received a “D” grade from Truth in Accounting because of a debt burden of 22-billion dollars. Truth in Accounting CEO Sheila Weinberg says the state does not have available money to pay billions of dollars in pension and health care benefits costs…
cut 14 (09) “…retiree healthcare benefits.”
The report says Louisiana would need 17-thousand dollars from each of its taxpayers to pay all of its bills.