10:30 LRN Newscast August 27

Some economists are warning that a new round of tariffs set to kick in in December between the US and China may set off a global recession. But House Minority Whip and Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise says the global economy would brighten up and recession fears would recede if the Chinese were to accept a fair trade deal with the US.
Cut 10 (09) “…China.”

LSU has started the school year with a record number of freshmen, 6,200. That’s four-hundred more than last year. President F King Alexander credits work in several areas for the growth and says the numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of the holistic admissions approach LSU has taken…
cut 15 (08) “…that just entered”

At this hour, Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin unveiled s new “I voted” sticker that will be handed out during the fall elections…
voicer 1 (31) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”

Three candidates who signed up to run for governor last month have been disqualified from the governor’s race for failing to file income tax returns. Republicans Manuel Russell Leach and Patrick Doguet and Democrat Vinny Mendoza will not appear on the October 12th ballot. That leaves six individuals still on the ballot.