6:30 LRN Newscast August 26

The Reason Foundation ranks Louisiana’s highway system 34th in the nation in overall cost-effectiveness and condition. In the annual report, the Bayou State receives poor marks for urban interstate pavement condition and bridge quality but received good marks for administrative disbursements per mile. Lead author Baruch Feigenbaum (Bar-ook Fee-gan-baum)…
Cut 4 (12) “…efficient.”

The Edwards administration has committed 85-million dollars in state funding to get the process started on a new I-10 Calcasieu Bridge in Lake Charles. Transportation Secretary Shawn Wilson says this in response to President Trump’s promise made earlier this year to replace the bridge if he’s re-elected…
cut 13 (11) “…soon as possible”

For the first time ever a team from Louisiana has won the Little League World Series. Matt Doyle has more on the squad from suburban New Orleans…

cut 1 (31) “…I’m Matt doyle”

And the team has received an invite from the President.