10:30 LRN Newscast July 25

LSU announces it will sell beer and wine this season to fans over the age of 21 in the general seating areas at Tiger Stadium. A new SEC policy approved in the Spring gave the schools the option to sell beer and wine in public areas. LSU Senior Associate athletics director Robert Munson says this is something Tigers fans have been waiting for…
cut 3 (10) “…this fall”
Munson says a variety of domestic and imported beer as well as red and white wines will be available at most concession stands. The school has yet to decide how much it will cost.

Securing Louisiana’s Future, a political action committee backing Congressman Ralph Abraham in the governor’s race unleashes a Facebook ad attacking fellow gubernatorial Republican candidate Eddie Rispone. The ad references Rispone, as a wealthy businessman, trying to buy the election. ULM Poli Sci Professor Joshua Stockley says it is part of the game when campaigning for GOP votes….
cut 13 (08) “…attack each other”

Louisiana FastStart, the state’s workforce training program, has been named the best state workforce training program in the nation for the 10th year in a row…
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle”

Governor John Bel Edwards has issued a statewide Emergency Declaration in response to an ongoing cybersecurity incident that impacted school systems in Sabine, Morehouse and Ouachita Parishes. The declaration makes cybesecurity experts from the National Guard, State adn Police and the Office of Technooly Services available.