9:30 LRN Newscast July 24

24-year-old Jasmine Anderson is in the Rapides Detention Center charged with second-degree murder of her five-year-daughter. Alexandria Police Corporal Wade Bourgeois says Anderson claimed Audrey Chelette died of a neck injury in a car accident, but Bourgeois says they found no evidence of a wreck…
cut 9 (09) “…second-degree murder”
There are reports that Anderson had another child die earlier this year and her husband passed away in 2016. Alexandria Police say it’s premature to link this murder case with the previous deaths.

Louisiana Senior Senator Bill Cassidy says the men and women who work for Customs and Border Patrol are stretched thin and need more resources. Cassidy came to that conclusion after touring border operations in McAllen, Texas…
cut 6 (08) “…overwhelmed now”
Cassidy says Democrats in Washington call the crisis on the southern border manufactured, but he’s seen first hand it’s real and urgent.

The National Retail Federation is forecasting record household spending for heading back to the classroom. Kevin Barnhart has the story.
Cut 3 (30) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”

Poultry producer House of Raeford Farms announces plans to add over 100 jobs as it plans to build a new feed mill in Simsboro to replace an older mill in Choudrant. The North Carolina based company also says it will spend nearly six-million dollars on new equipment at its hatchery in Gibsland and processing plant in Arcadia.