Getting underway today, there’s a Global prayer rally at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center, and protestors will be out in force against the American Family Association, who is putting on the event. Peter Jenkins is the organizer of “Organize, Reflect, Act,” says the sponsoring group has a history of making anti-gay remarks, but he points out it’s not just about a protest…
CUT 15 (07) Q: “in the communities”
Spokesman Doug Stringer calls the rally a call to prayer for a nation in crisis. Governor Bobby Jindal is scheduled to be one of many participants praying at the 6-hour event. Although hundreds of protesters are expected, Stringer says they won’t be distracted…
cut 13 (11) “of our nation”
The rally ends this afternoon at 4pm.
The Tom Benson family feud was a hot topic yesterday for the board that oversees the Superdome and Smoothie King Center. Even though Saints and Pelicans officials say the day to day operations will not change, the family situation has…
CUT 1 (32) Q: “reporting”
Tonight the Mystic Krewe of Louisianians will be hosting their annual Mardi Gras ball in Washington DC. La-Politics-dot-com’s Jerermy Alford says it will be a “who’s who” of Louisiana Politics, including all of the candidates for Louisiana governor.