5:30 PM Newscast

Ten Democrats vying for the party’s 2020 Presidential nomination square off for a debate at 8 PM. Matt Doyle has reactions from advocates for the top two polling candidates.

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle.”

The AP reports Congressman Ralph Abraham has missed almost 200 out of 509 votes in Congress since December when he began his race for the Governor’s mansion. Abraham had stronger attendance from January 2015 to September 2018 missing only 10 votes out of nearly 2500. Abraham has responded saying being a Congressman is more than sitting behind a desk and voting.

Three people are dead following a shooting at an East Baton Rouge home just after midnight.  The victims were identified as 35-year-old Christa Sudduth, her current boyfriend 32-year-old Ivy Frank, and her grandmother 72-year-old Ruby White.  Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Casey Rayborn Hicks says Sudduth’s 14-year-old son grabbed his younger brother, hid and called 911.
Cut 7 (06) “…and began shooting.”
Hicks says the child was able to give a description of the vehicle and deputies were able to catch up with the suspect, 48-year-old Michael Wade, in the Shenandoah neighborhood.

State Police announce the arrest of three Rapides Parish Sheriff’s deputies who allegedly were paid for hours they didn’t work during the Safe and Sober campaign. Trooper Scott Moreau says the arrests come 9 months after the investigation began.
Cut 13 (09) “…an internal audit.”
The three deputies arrested… Matthew Davis, Jonathan Treadway, and David Billings.