Louisiana’s version of the fetal heartbeat bill received final passage in the House. Denham Springs Representative Valarie Hodges says she supports the bill because a heartbeat is the measure by which someone is determined to be living.
Cut 13 (10) “…human rights violation.”
Baton Rouge Representative Ted James introduced an amendment that would see exemptions applied to cases of rape or incest, but the amendment failed to pass. The governor is expected to sign the bill.
The House and Senate are at odds over whether or not to include a 39-million-dollar funding increase for public schools, on top of a 1,000-1,200 dollar teacher pay raise.
A portion of the 39 million would help keep increased benefits costs from a pay raise from falling back on educators and Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Larry Carter says the rest goes to the kids.
The Senate will hear arguments on a bill banning drivers from touching their cell phone while behind the wheel after the proposal passed the House amid heated debate.