Sports gambling legalization is on life support at the State Capitol after House Appropriations voted 14 to six against the activity and efforts to move the bill out of Appropriations failed. So many amendments were added to the legislation that even the Louisiana Casino Association dropped its support. Executive Director Wade Duty.
Cut 10 (12) “…model.”
The legislative session ends Thursday and it could be another two years before lawmakers can legalize sports betting.
Tigers basketball coach Will Wade spoke for the first time yesterday since he was suspended for failing to address allegations of illegal payments to recruits with LSU officials. Wade dodged questions about the reported strong offer made to Javonte Smart, but he did address the allegation of a 300-thousand dollar offer for Naz Reid…
cut 4 (07) “….did not happen”
The Morganza Spillway is set to open Sunday to relieve pressure on Mississippi River levees downstream, but ecologists say it comes at a steep cost for Atchafalaya Basin wildlife. Atchafalaya Basin Keeper Executive Director Dean Wilson says there’s nothing that can be done to save thousands of at-risk animals.
Cut 7 (12) “…basin.”
Experts also warn opening the Basin will likely wipe out most of the crawfish and oyster crop in the area as well.
Northwest Louisiana is under a marginal risk for severe weather today.