1130AM LRN News

A bill that would up the amount of time a minor has to work before getting a break from five hours to eight hours was sent back to the schedule after a heated argument on the House floor. Tensions built up from other labor bills spilled over into this debate, as the premise shocked lawmakers like New Orleans Representative Gary Carter.
Cut 6, 10 seconds, break?
proponents say the legislation would improve adolescent employment opportunities.
President Trumps is scheduled to visit Louisiana next Tuesday. Trump will highlight job growth of the energy sector in Cameron Parish and tour a shipping facility that uses trains to bring in liquefied natural gas for export overseas. Assistant Administrator Darrell Williams says residents are elated for the visit.
Cut 3 (06) “…places to visit.”
CenLA Law enforcement believe there are women out there who was held captive by a man identified as 56-year-old Justin Walters of Colfax. Grant Parish Sheriff Steven McCain says the suspect used social media to start a relationship with his victims…
Cut 10 (11) “…victims”
A bill to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected soared through the Senate 31-5, and is headed to the House. The debate on the measure placed bill author Shreveport Senator John Milkovich in a tense confrontation with and New Orleans Senator Karen Carter Peterson. Their debate was related back to Milkovich’s vote against a constitutional amendment barring the death penalty. Senator Peterson appeared to express concerns about Milkovich’s hypocrisy, and walked him into this statement…
Cut 15 (08) “kay.”