6:30AM LRN Newscast May 7

The constitutional amendment aimed at ending capital punishment in Louisiana met its demise on the Senate floor following a 13-25 vote. New Orleans Senator JP Morrell spoke in favor of the amendment, and says in order for death to be an option, the government must be infallible in its decision on who is executed.

Cut 11 (07) “…they’re just dead.”


So the lethal injection remains a form of capital punishment in Louisiana.

A bill to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected soared through the Senate 31-5, and is headed to the House.

The debate on the measure placed bill author Shreveport Senator John Milkovich in a tense confrontation with and New Orleans Senator Karen Carter Peterson. Their debate was related back to Milkovich’s vote against a constitutional amendment barring the death penalty. Senator Peterson appeared to express concerns about Milkovich’s hypocrisy, and walked him into this statement…

Cut 15 (08) “kay.”


In response to the recent nationwide outbreak of measles, the Louisiana Department of Health is reminding people of just how vital it is to be vaccinated, Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”