2:30 LRN Newscast April 29

The Louisiana legislature took a stop today towards banning the use of hand held cellphones while driving when the House Transportation Committee approved a bill to do just that. Supporters say statistics show that talking or texting on the phone is contributing to more and more accidents. Bogalusa Representative Malinda White says she doesn’t need stats to know Louisiana needs a handheld cell phone ban
Cut 11 (12) “…cell phones.”
The measure now moves to the full House for more debate.

Ruston Mayor Ronny Walker says the power is on for 88-percent of the residents and businesses that continue to recover from last week’s EF 3 tornado. Walker says the rebuilding of aerial fiber optic lines is a slower process…
cut 13 (11) “..same way”
Walker says they are very appreciative of the support they’ve received.

A proposal to exempt diapers, tampons and feminine hygiene products from the state sales tax is heading to the Senate floor after it received approval from the Senate Finance committee. Slidell Senator Sharon Hewitt opposes the measure, because she doesn’t believe eliminating the state sales tax from these products will help residents, but New Orleans Senator JP Morrell disagrees…
cut 7 (13) “…their shoes”
The proposal will need two-thirds support in the House and Senate and then majority support from voters.

Coming up on the House floor today is legislation that would bring ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft to every city in Louisiana.

Also the House floor is scheduled to hear legislation today that would remove the Boxing and Wrestling Commission from regulating pro wrestling matches, because its choreographed.