Congressman and Republican Gubernatorial candidate Ralph Abraham raised a million dollars in the first hundred days of his campaign to unseat Governor Edwards. Even though he may be lagging behind his Republican opponent in total funding, Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says the million dollar mark means the Congressman now has the cash on hand to buy enough name recognition statewide to be a serious contender.
Cut 10 (10)“…of you.”
Edwards started 2019 with 8.4 million and the other Republican in the race, businessman Eddie Rispone has pledged five million dollars of his own money.
Legislation is being introduced by Representative Cameron Henry that would prohibit the harassment of refs, umpires, and other game officials. Henry says it’s not the hecklers or those that might passionately contest a call that are the problem.
Cut 13 (13) “…a missed call.”
Authorities have arrested three people, two brothers and an acquitannce, in the murder of an elderly Zachary woman who was found by her husband bound and shot to death in her home on March 21st. Sheriff Sid Gautreaux says 74-year-old Frances Jane Schultz had her arms and legs bound by duct tape and duct tape was over her eyes and mouth. She was shot multiple times. The sheriff says one of the suspect’s worked on the couple property’s property bailing hay…
Cut 7 (08) “…home invasion”
New legislation could place the country of origin of imported mudbugs and shrimp on the local seafood menu. Larose Representative Truck Gisclair says foreign seafood can carry health, and flavor risks, and specifying country of origin is not always possible but…
Cut 5 (07) “…every country”
The bill will be heard in the legislative session that begins on April 9.