3:30 LRN Newscast March 20

The LSU Board of Supervisors approves a two-year contract extension that contains a 500-thousand dollar raise for head football coach Ed Orgeron. Jeff Palermo has more…
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

The Associated Press reports Governor Edwards will ask lawmakers in the upcoming session to increase funding for higher education by 19-million dollars. About a third of that money would be for TOPS and the governor’s plan also calls for three-million dollars to help pay for resources for students who take classes online, such as electronic textbooks.

A state parks official says a sign in front of a popular state owned plantation that said slaves were well taken-care of and happy has been taken down. It’s unclear how long the sign was posted at the Rosedown Plantation in St. Francisville. Southern University Political Science Professor Albert Samuels says unfortunately plantations tend to downplay slavery, and instead play up the pageantry of the property owners.
Cut 4 (13) “…the focus″
About 850 people were enslaved there before the Civil War.

There’s devastating flooding in the Midwest, but Danielle Manning with the National Weather Service says they are not expecting any significant flooding in the lower Mississippi River Valley as a result of flooding upstream. But she says it’s still important to keep an eye on river levels…
cut 8 (08) “…effect the river”