Governor John Bel Edwards unveiled his 30 billion dollar budget Friday, the largest in state history, and one that includes 10 million in increased spending in higher ed, 15 million more for TOPS, more healthcare funding, and the 1,000 dollar pay raise he’s touted for months. But LaPolitics.com Publisher Jeremy Alford says there’s just one problem, the state doesn’t quite have enough revenue recognized yet to pay for it all…

Cut 3 (11) “…produce.”

House Speaker Taylor Barras has blocked an increased revenue projection at the Revenue Estimating Conference that would fund those increases in spending.

Gas prices have been on a noticeable rise throughout the state recently.  In the last week, the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline has risen by seven cents.  AAA fuel analyst Don Redman says the rising trend has been happening all throughout the month of February.

Cut 9 (10) “…$2.13 a gallon.”

The Fire Marshal is asking for the public’s help IDing a suspect in a January 15th Jonesborough suspected arson case that’s gone unsolved despite video of the person of interest. Spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says a person wearing a light colored hoody and pants was seen leaving the scene just before a fire ignited in the kitchen of the home.

Cut 12 (10)   “…the fire.”

No one was injured in the incident.

A state of emergency has been declared in Morehouse Parish as back flood waters of Bayou Bartholomew are posing a risk to the area as more rain is being predicted in the region within the next week. The declaration led to the closure of all parish schools today due to rising waters on some roads. The risk has increased after Morehouse saw historic levels of rainfall in the last week that began posing a threat two days ago in Bayou Bartholomew.