12:30 PM Newscast

According to the Louisiana Department of Health, the flu is on the rise as almost 6% of doctor visits are for flu-like symptoms. LDH flu bug expert Dr. Frank Welch says the strain that seems to be going around is a very serious strain known as H1N1 that has been going around for the past decade.
Cut 4 (04) “…more serious type.″
Welch adds while there are a number of preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of catching the flu, the best protection is to get the flu shot.

Valerio, the jaguar who chewed through a fence in his enclosure back in July of 2017 at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans and killed nine other animals last summer is back on display after a half-year hiatus.  He’s been kept out of public view for some time, but Jaguar Jungle Curator Liz Wilson says they redesigned the exhibit and it is perfect for the big cat.
Cut 7 (10) “…welfare”

A Louisiana law requiring abortion clinics to have admitting privileges will be heard in front of the US Supreme Court.

Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”