230PM LRN News

Senator Bill Cassidy files legislation to make drug cartels pay for a Southern border wall. Jeff Palermo has the story..

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

The US Supreme Court will take up a challenge to a Louisiana law requiring abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. The law, brought by Monroe Representative Katrina Jackson, was passed in 2014, but the Supreme Court’s rejection of a similar law in Texas three years ago put the Louisiana effort on ice until the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals revived the regulation last month.

Who Dats turned off the Super Bowl in record numbers as boycott parties raged across New Orleans. The Nielsen rating for the New Orleans market was a 26.1. It’s reportedly the lowest Nielsen ratings for a Super Bowl in New Orleans ever, and LSU Assistant Professor of Digital Advertising Jun Heo, says that’s likely cause for concern at the local CBS affiliates, and those who bought air time with them, who just a three weeks ago would have expected to be airing their product for over half of the city…

Cut 8 (08) “campaign”

It cost 5.2 million dollars to air a 30 second commercial nationally.

The Baton Rouge area saw three separate fatal motorcycle wrecks, including Cpl. Shane Toddy of the Baton Rouge Police Department, in a span of less than 24 hours. Motorcycle Awareness Campaign spokesperson Scotty Drake.

Cut 13 (10) “…then this.”